Tuesday, January 26, 2021


Keys to Good Health

You hear lots of advice from many sources about what it takes to live well and keep your body in good working order. Sorting out what that means for you could seem like an overwhelming task. Let's break it down into a few simple, easy-to-remember ways for adults to stay on a healthy path.

Become a flexitarian.

Numerous studies have shown that a plant-based diet is healthiest, but you can still get many of the benefits even if you don't go full-on vegetarian. Following a semi-vegetarian diet that includes fewer animal products but doesn't completely cut them out may help you keep your weight in check as well as lower your chances of high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and inflammatory bowel disease.

Expand your palate's palette.

Dietary guidelines recommend that half of what's on your plate at any meal be vegetables or fruits. But it's also important to mix things up. While all fruits and veggies are healthy, they don't all have the same nutrients. Give yourself the widest range of benefits by eating different-colored produce throughout the day.

Less sugar, more water.

It's a good idea to avoid added sugar in whatever you eat, yet soda, sports drinks, and energy drinks may be a bigger source than you realize. Some studies show that just a soft drink or two a day makes you 26% more likely to get type 2 diabetes. Sugary drinks have also been tied to heart attacks, gout, and obesity. Stay hydrated with water or, if you miss the fizz and taste, naturally flavored seltzer.

Sit less, Move More

That's the physical activity guidelines in a nutshell. While at least 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise is ideal, experts say that any movement is better than nothing. So make it a point to stand up more often and stretch, park a bit farther from your destination for extra steps, and explore new pastimes that will help put you in motion.

Get enough rest.

Sleep is often low on the list in our nonstop society, but it's a must for good health. Chronic sleep deprivation raises the odds for heart disease, diabetes, stroke, obesity, and many other sicknesses. Getting your ZZZs also helps keep you safe: Driving while sleepy is just as bad as driving drunk. If you don't usually wake up feeling refreshed, try slipping into bed 15 minutes earlier every week until you do.

Tame your stress.

Everyone has stress; it's how you react to it that matters. When you often explode in anger, get stomachaches because you're nervous, or have trouble sleeping because you're anxious, it's time to make a change. Find a way to blow off steam, whether that's through exercise, meditation, or laughing with good friends. Still feeling overwhelmed? Make an appointment with a counselor or other mental health professional.

Wash your hands.

It's one of the easiest and most effective ways to avoid catching whatever contagious bugs are going around. The key is to be thorough: After you lather up with soap, scrub your palms, the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails for at least 20 seconds. That's about how long it should take you to sing "Happy Birthday" twice.

Limit your drinking.

It's true that moderate amounts of alcohol have been tied to some health benefits, like a lower risk of heart disease, but there are also serious downsides to drinking, such as a higher risk of cancer and liver disease. So you shouldn't start drinking for the sake of good health. When you do have alcohol, keep it to one drink per day if you're a woman or two if you're a man.

Steer clear of smoke.

Smoking doesn't just hurt your lungs. It harms almost every organ in your body, making you a more likely target for cancer, heart disease, and other serious illnesses. Secondhand smoke is dangerous, too, and there's no amount that's "safe." If you live with a smoker, support them in quitting or at least ask them to take it outside.

Map your family tree of health.

A history with a disease doesn't guarantee your fate, but your genes do offer a clue about the health issues you might face. You may need to be screened more often or earlier for conditions that run in the family, especially when close relatives developed them at unusually young ages or several family members had them. Let your doctor know about any serious ailments your parents, siblings, and children have been diagnosed with.

Check in with your doctor.

While there's no one-size-fits-all time frame for seeing your primary care doctor (anywhere from annually to every 3 years might be OK), don't go AWOL. Regular visits can help you catch problems early, when they're easier to treat and often cure. Stay on top of tests like cholesterol checks, mammograms, and prostate cancer screenings.

Use prescriptions correctly.

Missing doses or taking your medication at the wrong time can have serious consequences. According to the CDC, so-called "non-adherence" leads to 125,000 deaths every year in USA. If you aren't taking your prescribed medicine because of side effects or other issues, talk to your doctor. Having trouble remembering? Put notes on your calendar or set alarm reminders on your phone or watch.

Stay up to date on vaccines.

Grownups need shots, too. You should get a flu shot every year, but you may also be due for a tetanus booster, a shingles vaccine, or a shot to protect against pneumonia. Ask your doctor what you might be missing and when you should get it including your Covid19 from 2021

Take baby steps.

It's tempting to overhaul your entire lifestyle at once. But tackling too many health goals at once often backfires because change can be hard. To better your odds of getting -- and staying -- healthier, make a series of small changes and work your way up to a bigger end game. For instance, if you'd like to eat a more nutritious diet, focus on breakfast. Once you get used to that, think about how to improve your lunch menu.

Don't go it alone.

Whatever your health goals are, it will be far easier to reach them if someone has your back. That might mean finding an exercise buddy who meets you at the gym, asking a friend to go with you to doctor's appointments, or simply confiding in someone you trust about your current struggles so they can cheer you on along the way.

Happy Healthy Living!!

Sunday, January 24, 2021

My Grandmother or as we fondly called her Ammama was a lady of substance, perseverance , dedication , loving ,caring & a person with the purest heart. In short an Iron Lady with a golden heart.

She married my Maverick Grandfather who in his heydays was feared by the village people.He was actually a gentle giant nevertheless he was Strong, Tall and very Fair person.He was not someone you want to mess with.He is the typical Alpha Male who enjoys hunting wild boars in 60s&70s with his famous rifle & the BIG bike that can be heard a mile away ...but was eventually tamed by a small timid lady named Letchumy. He treated her very well and both had 12 wonderful children (9 Girls & 3 Boys)

My mother was the eldest and she was like a princess to both of them..exactly like how I feel for Shraddha.My Ammama had my Amma after 2 miscarriages hence the extra care. Even her next 2 children (Girls) were very protective of my mother until she was married off.It would not be far fetched for me to claim or be bias in saying my mother was actually an angel born to these 2 lovely souls.
My Ammama was such a pure soul that she reluctantly gave away/up 2 of her children to her Elder Sister and a Cousin Sister.It pained her greatly to do this but due to circumstance, she had to.Her love for this 2 children was the same as the rest even until her last breath.Both this aunties of mine made a huge positive impact to my Ammama's sisters and they turned out to be beautiful, loving and caring ladies. All of us love them as much as the rest and growing up they were always my ammama's daughters we never saw it differently. This was greatly due to my Ammama and her loving nature. She is and will always be the the glue that kept the SVP clan together. All the 12 children of hers are unique & special and will always have her qualities in them. She started the seed of harmony and Human values in them which will be passed on to her Grandchildren, Great Grand Children and in future Great Great Grand Children.
Another peculiar and strange thing about having 12 children is that her final 2 youngest children were born on the same year as her eldest daughters first 2 children.To put it in perspective her first 2 grandchildren shares the same year of birth with her last 2 children.Even stranger is her eldest grandchild is elder to her last 2 children (one elder by months the other by 3 years) So imagine my Brother going to the same school/year as his Aunty and me going to the same school/year as my uncle!!?? try explaining this to our mutual friends growing up..
When she passed on yesterday she had
12 Children
30 Grand Children
25 Great Grand Children

She directly or indirectly impacted 57 people + 23 spouses = 80 peoples life.80!!

As much as her eldest daughter was an angel, her youngest was too.She always had a very soft spot for my youngest Uncle.It was a special bond and he proved it by taking great care of my Ammama for the past 20 years like no one will and could have done.Great credit goes to his wife for all the sacrifices both of them made.She will shower both of them and family with abundance henceforth..as an angel!! All of us are grateful to my Uncle
Sivalingam Saravanan
& Athai. Our salutation to both of you.
I am greatly sadden that I am thousands of miles away and unable to be there to send my Ammama off on her final Journey.The great comfort is my Daughter stood in..and the knowledge that my Ammama has been freed of her bodily sufferings and is at a better place.Memories are all we have..and only sweet one at that too.As I cry away at the hotel for the pass 2 days with thoughts of her flooding in..this image and sound keeps playing in my mind...
"Letchumy!! Letchumy!! anaka kaapi poodeh (Make me a cup of Coffee)"..with a distinctive voice, and a cheeky smile from my Grandfather ... One Alpha Male dude is definitely happy in heaven..to be re-unity with his soulmate..

Thank You Ammama , for teaching us so much .the care and love you gave us.We are so blessed to have you as our Grandma in this lifetime. My Humble Pranams & salutation..
With lots of Love
Your 2nd Eldest Grand Child

Monday, January 16, 2012

If you are above 40..are you to be blamed ..since those below are more responsible in "Going Green"

Checking out at the supermarket recently, the young cashier suggested I should bring my own bags because plastic bags weren’t good for the environment. I apologized and explained, “We didn’t have this green thing back in my earlier days“.

The clerk responded, “That’s our problem today. Your generation did not care enough to save our environment for future generations“.

She was right about one thing–our generation didn’t have the green thing in “Our” day. So what did we have back then? After some reflection and soul-searching on “Our” day, here’s what I remembered we did have….

Back then, we returned milk bottles, pop bottles and beer bottles to the store. The store sent them back to the plant to be washed and sterilized and refilled, so it could use the same bottles repeatedly. So they really were recycled. But we didn’t have the green thing back in our day.

We walked up stairs, because we didn’t have an escalator in every store and office building. We walked to the grocery store and didn’t climb into a 300-horsepower machine every time we had to go two blocks. But she was right. We didn’t have the green thing in our day.

Back then, we washed the baby’s nappies because we didn’t have the throw-away kind. We dried clothes on a line, not in an energy gobbling machine burning up 240 volts — wind and solar power really did dry our clothes back in our early days. Kids got hand-me-down clothes from their brothers or sisters, not always brand-new clothing. But that young lady is right. We didn’t have the green thing back in our day.

Back then, we had one TV, or radio, in the house — not a TV in every room. And the TV had a small screen the size of a handkerchief (remember them?), not a screen the size of Wales. In the kitchen, we blended & stirred by hand because we didn’t have electric machines to do everything for us. When we packaged a fragile item to send in the mail, we used wadded up old newspapers to cushion it, not Styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap.

Back then, we didn’t fire up an engine and burn petrol just to cut the lawn. We used a push mower that ran on human power. We exercised by working so we didn’t need to go to a health club to run on treadmills that operate on electricity. But she’s right. We didn’t have the green thing back then.

We drank from a water fountain when we were thirsty instead of using a cup or a plastic bottle every time we had a drink of water. We refilled writing pens with ink instead of buying a new pen, and we replaced the razor blades in a razor instead of throwing away the whole razor just because the blade got dull. But we didn’t have the green thing back then.

Back then, people took the bus, and kids rode their bikes to school or walked instead of turning their mums into a 24-hour taxi service. We had one electrical outlet in a room, not an entire bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances. And we didn’t need a computerized gadget to receive a signal beamed from satellites 2,000 miles out in space in order to find the nearest pizza joint.

But isn’t it sad the current generation laments how wasteful we old folks were just because we didn’t have the green thing back then?

"Go Green"

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Sathya Sai Baba: Miracles he did, just not the ones you think of...

By: Desh (drishtikone blog)

Truth exists at many levels. In media of today, however, "truth" is manufactured based on one's agenda. Sathya Sai Baba died on Sunday this past weekend - which also happened to be the Easter Sunday. Sathya Sai Baba was many things to many people.

He has been an enigma and a fascinating being. The more people riled against him, the more his devotees increased. There were enough who took him to trial - even when he wasn't present. And gave judgments because he wasn't present. And since they had already pronounced him "guilty" in their own "court of law", sans any representation from him, they took the entire story to the market and suddenly there was enough noise about it.

Its a good thing that Jesus died when he did. He would have had a tough time in today's world. He is known for only miracles - like bringing people back to life et al. That was his least important accomplishment. In fact that shouldn't even be remembered. Its the same with Sathya Sai Baba.

Devotion is a tough state to create in anyone in this day and age. People are so logical, full of themselves, that submission to anything is almost impossible. In fact, submission to any idea is considered a bad thing. Even in love. So, there is no complete love. Only conditional love. With contracts. We have escape routes and contracts tight enough to help us compete. In love. In relationships. And even in charity. We game our parents, our spouses, and even our children. No one lives completely.

In such times, when everyone is wary of everything and cannot submit, one would assume that people would be on their own and very happy? Well, even that ain't the case. People who think highly of themselves, and hate submission in love and compassion, keep looking out for "unconditional love". They wouldn't give it, but they want to receive it. So, if a spouse cheats you, its a big issue. But if you lie to him, that's fine. If your kid lies to you, that makes you angry or doesn't respect you, that's BIG. But if you don't care for your word given to her or applaud only her good marks in school and achievements - that's good parenthood. Gaming begets gaming. But, intriguingly, my Gaming is more kosher than your gaming! One is "truth" and the other is a lie.

So, in such circumstances, where people cannot completely have even fundamental love, is it possible to make people give themselves up? Sometimes, it requires becoming larger than life. And even beyond normal.

Sathya Sai Baba's miracles and clairvoyant acts can be seen in that light.

Those who are obsessed with proving and disproving miracles can keep going on, but the level of devotion that Sathya Sai Baba commanded helped the devotees open themselves up to a lot more than money could buy or give.

The toughest thing today is for people to have devotion. And, despite the increased education and logical mind, the humans of today are ideological in their intellect. Poke at their ideological make up and they burn up. If Devotion doesn't open up, If intellect is nothing more than a safeguard for one's ideology, and one keeps either religiously following or pooh-poohing moral edicts (of whatever kind they may be) as a proxy for correct action - then what is the way to reaching a level where anything spiritual may occur in someone's life?

That's where such beings and "miracles" can come in.

But let us keep the spiritual side apart. Let's assume he was a normal man incapable of anything spiritual. Let us first start with a list:


■Free educational institutes, hospitals and charities in 166 countries in all the livable continents.

■Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (now Sri Sathya Sai University) in Prashanthi Nilayam is the only college with "A++" rating by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (an autonomous body established by the University Grants Commission) with one campus each at Puttaparthi (men), Whitefield, Bangalore (men) and at Anantapur for women

■Sri Sathya Sai Mirpuri College of Music (Insititute for Indian Classical Music).

■Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Educational Institution, run by the Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Trust s considered to be one of the top boarding schools in the Bangalore region and primarily serves destitute lower caste students from nearby villages. It has over 70 world-class lecturers and professors. It is complete with a well equipped sports stadium, amphitheatre, auditorium, spiritual center, bank and grocery store, farm, and brand new computer labs. It was overseen by Sai Baba himself.(Baba gifts varsity campus to Muddenahalli)

Water and Housing

■Sri Sathya Sai Drinking Water Supply projects cover 750 villages in drought-prone Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh (population of 1.2 million), and has been implemented at a cost of US$ 63 million.

■The second Water project was completed in 2004, supplies water to Chennai through a rebuilt waterway named "Sathya Sai Ganga Canal" (Chennai benefits from Sai Baba's initiative; Project Water) Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi praised the Chennai water project and Sai Baba's involvement (Karunanidhi shares dais with Sai Baba)

■Another Medak District Project benefiting 450,000 people in 179 villages and the Mahbubnagar District Project benefitting 350,000 people in 141 villages

■In 2008, after the devastating floods in Orissa, Sathya Sai Seva Organization built 699 houses as a part of their first phase in 16 villages by March 2009.

Hospitals and Health Care

■Sri Sathya Sai Super Speciality Hospital in Puttaparthi is a 220 bed facility that provides free surgical and medical care and other patient care facilities to all, free of cost

■Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences in Bangalore is a 333 bed hospital meant to benefit the poor free of cost.

■Sri Sathya Sai General Hospital was opened in Whitefield, Bangalore, in 1977 and provides complex surgeries, food and medicines free of cost. The hospital has treated over 2 million patients

■Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust runs several general hospitals, two specialty hospitals, eye hospitals and mobile dispensaries and conducts medical camps in rural and slum areas in India

■Educare program seeks to found schools throughout the world with the goal of educating children in the five human values and has founded schools in 33 countries around the globe including Australia, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Zambia and Peru. (Article in Times of Zambia on how the Sathya Sai schools have benefited the poor and the orphaned: Sathya Sai school: A decade of quality education)

Despite all this work, for which, even a layman can understand, millions would be spent year on year basis, just for the upkeep and operations - specially since it is free of cost to beneficiaries, yet at the highest quality that is in any country (Fraser Institute, an independent Canadian research and educational organization, ranked the Sathya Sai School of Canada as one of the top 37 elementary schools in Ontario) in which these institutions exist (like A++ ranking by UGC), what remains in the mainstream domain is the rhetoric that he was a charlatan and a cheat - because he did miracles that weren't.

Many tried to prove that but couldn't. But they were looking in the wrong direction. That someone could invoke devotion, by whatever means (many times benefiting the person on whom the miracle was being done), and inspire common men and women to use their money to fund and bring happiness to millions. in India and outside in many countries. That was indeed the real miracle. So, the B. Premanands of this world were blind. The real miracle was going on and they couldn't see. They were obsessed with something only that of which their ego could fight against. Ask all the critics if anyone has ever brought happiness or a smile to a poor man or a woman?

And all this was achieved without any persecution, or conversion of anyone to Hinduism or criticising any other religion. There are enough evangelists - crook and cheats - whose ONLY aim in life is to convert people. And interestingly, their "shows" in India are all house full and attended by the mightiest of the land. Media, intriguingly, is very kind to them as well. Of course, B. Premanands of the land - skeptics and the so-called rationalists - have made a habit of missing their schedule as well. But when it comes to Sathya Sai Baba, their selective rationalism comes alive. And despite all the good that is done - without interrupting with anyone's religious or ideological lives - the real miracle is completely missed!

Further ask them, if he really was in the wrong, why no one ever proved it so or indict him? Connections with the power brokers - comes back the answer.

Interestingly, I had to dig up for the projects that the Sathya Sai Baba institutions have done. They aren't there on their own web-sites. Now, if Sai Baba REALLY had used all the powerful connections that supposedly saved him from the courts, they would surely have helped bring out the good work that the Baba had done. Specifically, given the ferociousness of the campaign against him.

But how many of us - non-devotees of the Baba - really knew of all this? What did you know of him? That he is a cheat and charlatan who just cheats people off of their money. What good comes out of that was no one's business.

Mess him up on the one side you can, and leave the rest to the imagination of the gullible public - seems to have been the constant Mantra.

Compare this to the paragon of human service in India - Mother Teresa. How many homes did her organization create? And what was the condition of people there? Last time, my sister visited one of the homes, an old man came to her and whispered "Ma'am, are you the one serving food?" She nodded. "Can you give me one extra bread? They don't give us enough to eat". My sister couldn't come to terms with that request! And Mother Teresa is a Saint.

But as the story goes......

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Press Meet at Puttaparthi on 28th June 2011

by Aravind Balasubramanya on Wednesday, June 29, 2011 at 12:23am

The Press Meet that took place in Parthi today made me realize one thing - though the freedom of press is a wonderful thing, its wonder ceases once it is in irresponsible hands! The local Telugu Press can be best summarised in one statement - “A constipation of facts and a diarrhoea of sensational lies”.

I was on a holiday when I heard so many things about financial misappropriation by the Trust and the like. Today, I heard the whole press conference which went on for more than 2 hours. And before the depressing press begins pressing false stories, I thought I would write what I, as a sane person gathered from the press conference.

1) So much furore over the 35 lakhs seized from a vehicle. The Central Trust is a charitable Trust and believe it or not, since it is not a religious trust, it cannot spend its money on building temples or mosques or even a samadhi! That is the legal rule. So the Trust is in a strange situation where it cannot use any of its resources to build a samadhi for Swami. Devotees come forward to pay the money ( those who paid the money have already submitted themselves in court) as their loving offering to Swami. Ratnakar takes all the money that has come and hands it over to the contractors who are in the project. Simple. It is not Trust money, but money entrusted by the devotees for the samadhi building. Infact, due to this money being held up, the construction also had a temporary stoppage! The 35lakhs are now being released.

2) Reports came in papers that 10 crores were seized from buses in sacks - ABSOLUTELY FALSE! NO evidence or reports after that and the press does not even have the slightest dignity to take back their baseless allegation!

3) The Press keep criticizing Swami for ‘hoarding’ wealth and bad mouth Him and the Trust without the least decent restraint. In the estimate of the kilograms of silver found are included Swami’s silver thrones and the gold has many gifts that princely devotees placed at His feet and they were showpieces! Swami had not hoarded bars of gold and silver! Swami keeps saying that He wants only love and yet anonymously devotees send Him money and precious metals without a return address. What does one do then?

This was something that I heard from one senior devotee in Singapore too. They had a very tough time to convince people not to leave coins and notes in front of the altar. Inspite of saying and announcing, people still do this. What does one do with these gifts of love which have unknown origins?

What Swami did was to simply use them to serve.

In fact, as the Income Tax people will agree, many of the packets opened in Yajur Mandir were being opened after years and nobody knew their contents.

The devotees know all this and the Press come forward making crazy accusations and then justify by saying “The devotees are asking these questions!”

4) There was a section of the Press that knew that the Truth was being dished out to them and they became quiet. But I noticed 3-4 people worse than barking dogs. I have never seen such a vulgar show of vocal chord strength. Off the cuff they throw in names and quotes without the slightest thought about their veracity. I realized this whole group belonged to TV 9!

Ironically, even before the Press conference began, there was a dharna by all the villagers in front of the venue - the Indoor sports stadium. They were deeply hurt by the way TV9 was scandalizing Swami and they said that given a choice they would like to burn alive all the members of this channel - a very grim reminder of the anger and pain of the simple villagers. Talking of TV 9 reminds me of what my colleague wrote to me and I paste from his mail -

At New Delhi, we were taken to TV 9 head office to get trained in media management for hospitals. The visits were for the department of Hospital Administration, AIIMS and were organized for us to get trained to tackle media in case of emergencies in hospitals. The training was given by founder & director of TV 9- Mr Rataj Mehta. His channel, being one of all time criticism toppers, he had this to say about himself ( this is recorded over a hidden dictaphone that I was carrying): "when my company was failing, I asked my two close colleagues- should we compromise on ethics to survive in the industry; they said yes-sure. And since that day we kept all our books on ethics and values in an almirah, now that my company has got established, we are trying to bring back some of them".

And this is a channel that is trying to “bring the truth to light” as they call it! They should not be called scumbags for the scumbags will take it as a personal insult.

5) I would rather not talk about all this at all. But I was pained when I saw and heard of the pain of devotees. I personally believe that fighting with pigs in muck will only make us mucky. Swami says to clear the stink in a dirty room, light an agarbatti. And thats why I shall continue posting about darshans and experiences with Swami.

I told my Swami in the heart, “Swami, I know that you are doing everything with a purpose. Many are asking about the Will you left behind. I believe that whatever you left behind is your WILL! And if you have entrusted these people to run the Trust, they have my Trust.”

The Press seems to believe that everyone here is guilty unless proven innocent. I believe that all are innocent unless proven guilty.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sai Baba: A True or A Fake God??

Om Sai Ram... Sharing an article written by a dear friend, Sis Bina Mayur...
(Taken from "sai divine messages" courtesy of Sis.Adeline Teh )

 Dear Readers,

Satya Sai Baba is/was in the news all over the world since last few weeks. As some of you know our dear Lord Shri Satya Sai Baba took Mahasamadhi/demise on April 24 th 2011. We Sai followers were sad, depressed and grief stricken needless to say. Words cannot describe what many of us went through. It has been a very difficult time for some of us. Much to our dismay, His Mahasamadhi took many of us by surprise for we wanted Him to live forever in the physical form for whatever reasons--mine was purely selfish--I wanted to live in His ashram in the dusk phase of my life, after my husband's retirement!! Myself, having gone through severe sickness last year I have realized the importance of values all the more and that God is the only McCoy/Real Thing. So before I kick the bucket, l thought I should pen this letter on Satya Sai Baba as I have learnt a lot from Him.

Satyanarayan Raju, Sai Baba, Shri Satya Sai Baba, Swami, Baba, Sai, Lord, God, Bhagavan and Avatar, are not many different people but one person who was God incarnate to many. He was born in Andhra Pradesh/AP, India on Nov 23 rd 1926, in a small village called Puttaparthi or Parthi. It was a barren land with nothing much growing there. The area was full of snakes, scorpions and ants. This gave birth to the name Puttaparthi which meant ant hills in Indian language/Telugu which is spoken in AP and Swami's main mode of speech. He was born to Easwaramma and Venkamma Raju. They were God loving, simple folks and made meager money. They had five children one of whom was Satyanarayan now known as Satya Sai Baba all over the world.

Satya went to a local school with one set of clothes only--he used thorns to keep the shirt together. However, at the age of 14, he announced to His family "I am leaving home---I belong to the world and I am the incarnation of the Divine Shirdi Sai." His family was puzzled and some of them tried to straighten Him out by taking Him to the village doctor who was a quack--similar to a witch craft doctor. He put boiling oil on His head, beat Him up, etc. However, little Satya survived. And went to conquer the world with His principles and succinct messages which He Himself practiced --Love All Serve All, Hands in the World Head in the Forest, Hands that Help are Holier than Lips that Pray, Service to Man is Service to God, God is Love, Spirituality is seeing Unity in Diversity and there is only ONE God and is Omnipresent and many others such adages.

He went on to build schools, colleges, universities, general hospitals, super specialty hospitals, water supply systems, masjids, music college, education in human value institutes and many others such as Sewa (heartfelt services) to one and all, be at time of disasters, crisis, earthquakes, hurricanes or on a regular basis (visit to nursing homes, feeding of the homeless, medical camps, tutoring, etc all over the world through His centers). Thus, the face of Puttaparthi was changed from a barren land to a thriving city. But most importantly, he transformed people for the better or helped them to do so. And once again tried to re lead India and the world on the spiritual path. He did it all with love and charged no money for transformation, education or surgeries.

I have known about Swami since I was in the 6 th grade/standard--thanks to my dear friend, Gita, a doctor, whose family is followers of Sai Baba of Parthi. I did not know then as I know now that He is/was God. But yet my faith falters!! Hope and pray that you will still guide me.

After getting married and moving to Houston, TX, I did not physically see Him much except 3-4 times only. However, He never left me. My husband's various assignments/postings all over the world brought me closer to Him. No matter which place we went--His centers were within walking distances or within few miles by car all over the world. He knows how lazy I am!! I had no excuse not to follow Him.

While Swami was physically living in India, His power over nature, space, and time was amply evident everywhere, be it in UK, Singapore, Indonesia, Korea, Middle East, Japan, and USA. His materializations/manifestations--like vibhuti(sacred ash), divine statues, lingams, kumkum of various colors, sandalwood powder, turmeric powder(extremely holy), amrit(ambrosia, divine nectar), milk etc in these countries have been personally seen by me and my family members in all countries we have traveled. Needless to say I have seen the same in India too since 6 th grade. The most amazing is amrit oozing from a plant in a suburb of Yokohama, Japan, in a 70 years plus Japanese devotee's home and wetting her carpet and drapes. By the way, I have two Masters degrees in science and know that, that plant does not emit any liquid nor amrit. And I did taste the amrit.

In Srirangapatnam, India, a man who runs an orphanage for street children has multiple manifestations in his home. The best is a pendant that Swami materialized for him. The pendant has two sides one has a face of Shirdi Sai and the other the face of Satya Sai. For the last 40 years it is oozing out amrit nonstop. He puts the pendant in your palm if requested and within few minutes your palm is filled with amrit(ambrosia). The story of this man is fascinating. He was of ill repute and it so happened he visited Swami once. Luckily for him, Swami called him for a coveted interview. He told him to leave all his bad habits behind and assured him that He will take care of him. And ever since then Swami did take care of him. He was also told to open an orphanage for street children which he did. Mysterious are the ways of the Lord. We have tasted the amrit from that pendant many a times. This phenomenon defies physics, laws of science etc. His home has become a place of must visit for Sai followers and non Sai followers from all over the world.

And in the home of Rajiv, in London(http://www.anandanilayam.co.uk/) there are tons of manifestations---also seen personally by me. His story is amazing. Growing up in London, he had no inkling to follow Sai Baba or good values much to the chagrin of his parents. He fell in bad company. His parents who are Sai devotees tried their best much to no avail. After much persuasion he agreed to visit Sai Baba in India. The little Rajiv of 14 -15 years, who stood in front of Sai Baba's pictures in London and cursed Him got 14-15 interviews --I do not know of anyone else who got so many interviews in a row at that age. Swami told each and every curse that he gave in London home. Remember, Swami was physically in India. In the interview room in Parthi, Rajiv challenged Swami again--he said if you are God tell me the first lines from the letters that you collected during darshan time, these being letters collected from the audience who come to have a glimpse of Swami or have His darshan. Rajiv kept the letters with himself while Swami told Rajiv all the first lines of devotee's letters even without Swami seeing the letters as they were in Rajiv's hands.

Rajiv slowly transformed from a Sai Baba hater to a devotee. He now speaks all over the world, has regular bhajans/devotional singing in his home and sings beautifully. He is in his 20s. He was also duly blessed with a rare gift. Swami has given him a small box, may be 1x1inch that never empties of vibhuti--like an akshay patra. Usually Rajiv after his talks gives vibhuti from that box. After it is emptied he says the mantram that Swami gave him and it gets full again. I have also checked the box!! There are no hidden compartments. Some of us are blessed.!!

The common theme seen around the world was that, that the Sai followers said they changed for the better after getting into His fold--no non vegetarian foods, no alcoholic drinks, less anger, less envy , less shopping, less acquisitions of material goods --the list is endless. Also, the manifestations of divine amrit, kumkum, sandalwood powder etc manifested not just on Hindu Gods or deities but across all religion's artifacts and Gods, be it Jesus, Mother Mary, Star and Crescent pictures, Buddha and others, echoing His message that there is only one God and He is Omnipresent.

Ted Henry and Jody Cleary have a website at http://vimeo.com/ where they interview mystics, people with religious or spiritual experiences from all over the world. If you want an ABC anchorman of 40 years experience to tell you more of God you may visit it. Some of my favorite interviews are http://vimeo.com/18681973 where Dr Sam Sandweiss talks about his experiences with Sai or check Dr Val Jeevanandam at http://vimeo.com/14091498, the doctor who has done more than 1000 heart transplants in Chicago and heads that department talk about Swami. My most favorite vimeo interview(6237477) is Jayanthi Mohan from Yipsilanti, Michigan. I wish I had her enthusiasm. Or you want to see a bhakta's(devotee) work you may visit http://www.saidivineinspirations.blogspot.com/ by Adeline Teh of Malaysia, and if you want to see vibhuti manifestations in Houston, TX and read books about Swami you may email me!!

How are these myriad manifestations possible all over the world while Swami was in India? Have the hosts done it? And for what reasons and how long can they do it? No money is ever collected in their homes or in Sai Centers. The hosts out of their goodness let people in their private homes to see these mind challenging manifestations. Even if one person comes to our homes we get flustered. Imagine 30-40 people coming every single day. In one of the London homes where I used to go, the hosts had bhajans/prayers practically every day and 25-40 people would show up for each session. Finally, Swami asked them to do it few times a week only so that they have their family time, and some semblance to their routine as both husband and wife were working. For your kind information Sai Organization is basically a volunteer based organization--no donations are asked, it is your choice to give or not--no pressure is put. Most of their centers are in rental places as Swami has said unless we have God in our hearts there is no need to build centers in my honor.

Talking about donations and worldwide news that His organization has billions of dollars and no proper accounting let me enlighten you with my personal experiences. Everything is audited and reported to the Indian government. Many years ago, I had sent a dollar check for 4 subscriptions for His Magazine Sanathan Sarthi. Since I did not know the exact price some small money was due back to me--about 100-120 rupees. Much to my surprise they wrote to me asking me what to do with that paltry change--should they send it to me or use it for next year's subscriptions. Another incident that comes to my mind is I had donated some dollars via check. I had not earmarked it for what purpose it was to be used. So they wrote back to me again--Madam pl tell us what you need us to use the money for--I donated it for medical help for the needy. In both cases I received receipts.

If they are so particular and exacting, the erroneous reportings of some media that the accounting is not transparent is malicious, sensationalism and vindictive at best.

There are too many manifestations, and happenings which are mind boggling to write about. And some of them are so out of this world that most of us will find it hard to believe. All these manifestations are still material happenings and are subject to interpretations as per our whims, fancy and mind. Some may think it is fake, magic, or host's work. To us Sai followers they are Swami's Grace, shows His power over space, nature, time and or five elements. However, His true calling for all people have been transformation for the better at core level, character level and most importantly at Heart level. His emblem sports all 5 main religions of the world--the Ohm/Hindus, Cross/Christians, the wheel/Buddhists, the fire/Zoroastrians and the Star and Crescent/Muslims. Recently, the Jewish symbol is/was being added. His first coordinator was a Gandhian, Mr. Indulal Shah, and now His coordinator is Jewish, Dr Michael Goldstein, MD. He frequently said "I have not come to start any new religion--I want a Hindu to become a better Hindu, a Christian to become a better Christian, a Buddhist to become a better Buddhist, a Zoroastrian to become a better Zoroastrian and a Muslim to become a better Muslim". I don't know of any organization that celebrates with gusto and enthusiasm all religion's festivals but in Parthi you will definitely see it all.

He did not say there are many gods--but "there is only one God and He is Omnipresent, there is only one Language, the Language of the Heart, there is only one Caste, the Caste of Humanity. He also said do not change your religion, do not follow me--follow only the Language of the Heart which is Love and Love is God--Sing the glory of God in all languages and let all religions thrive but do not ever extinguish the Flame of God--make your inner/spiritual life strong so that the outer/worldly can be stronger and better. Unfortunately, we want the outer world first!!

I would like to ask those detractors, critics and small talk talkers is there anyone who has tried to change people for the better in more than 120 countries since the age of 14, who had no formal higher education, was not tutored by a Guru, University or in Seminary, who transformed atheists, made the cripple walk, made the dead alive and mastered all five elements?

Non followers think he is a fake, a cheap magician, a mad man, a siddha(developed or blessed power) purusha, just a holy man, a philanthropist or a good man. Really? Some people roll their eyes at the mention of His name and some family members hide His photos in the presence of non believers when they are not followers.

Yes, He is/was cheap for having an itsy bitsy room in Parthi, for telling us not to waste water, electricity, food, money, clothes, time, energy etc. Even though we are divine I think one becomes cheap because of one's actions ---when we cheat, lie, not pay taxes, give no empathy or show sympathy, not visiting people when someone is sick, in need or dead; discriminating on the basis of color, gender, status; judging, gossiping, not helping our own family members but making huge donations to get fame; buttering and helping only the rich, famous and VIPs but not our simpleton friends and relatives, neighbors, poor and needy; burning wives, aborting girl fetuses(12 million in India every year esp. by educated Indians), visiting prostitutes--sexual trafficking (In India many of our brothers, fathers, sons are using kidnapped young females from Nepal, and in rich countries it has become the no one business to get into) children and spouses not helping in daily chores, family members not talking to each other, our homes instead of being oasis of peace are virtual mini war zones, there is no apnapan(aapulkipana/oneness); spending enormous time on social networks, internet games; having unwanted friends, sexually abusing women and children, divorcing women on flimsy grounds, having affairs, lusting, porno, creating wars, ignoring aging parents, are part of relentless corruption, the list is endless--you get the gist??--yes we are CHEAP indeed, NOT Him.

Yes, for trying to stop all these negativity at core level if some of us think He is a cheap magician and a madman so be it. Why follow Him?? Why take guidance from Him?? He never ever asked. I feel most of us need guidance, but some may disagree. So is it better to follow Tom Cruise, Kobe Bryant, Aishwariya Rai and leaders who have multiple affairs, children out of wedlock, money stashed away in secret banks and silence critics?? No matter what, there will always be a lot of Sai followers and hopefully few non followers.

I am not a devotee though I would like to be one. He said many a times--God's true devotees can basically be counted on the fingertips. I am just an ordinary struggling soul trying to learn and put into practice some of His teachings. Some of you may qualify to be His devotee even if you don't know Him. He has appeared in dreams and in meditation of various people even though they have not seen Him or known Him, in far flung countries, ask Wayne Dyer, the famous motivational speaker, whom my children like to listen to more than their Amma/Mom !!. Once while eating lunch in Parthi canteen, a lady and her 10 year old son joined me. Needless to say I had to talk. I learnt that she was a Muslim, from Middle East and her Father after reading Swami's book found at a friend's house started secretly praying to Him without seeing Him. The whole family then joined him. Lo and behold, there were various manifestations in their homes without even visiting Parthi, India. Some of them gathered their guts and now visit Parthi every year.

I have received communications that said if you are so religious/spiritual and goody goody how come it does not show--basically these communications said how bad I am!!. Needless to say I have forgiven and also trying to forget!! I don't want my ego to rise !! and I hate to say this but I have touched more people in a good way, than some of us do because of Swami's Grace, my parents, my eldest brother, my husband, other family members and friends. And also because of my teachers Pujya Gaurangbhai, and Pujya Darshanaben of Chinmaya Mission, Mira Devi and people I meet in life and our travels . We always have to pick the good things from others and not their bad. I believe that what your right hand does the left hand should not know---and so there is no show from me!! And I am very much aware now that no matter what there are always some people, about 10 -15 percent who will hate you--even Preacher Joel Osteen says so!!. Still learning. So bear with me.

Many of us think just because we believe in God or go to religious organizations we should be different. It is a fallacy, because we all have or should have different methods to become better souls and religion is not the only way!! Swami frequently puts it "The only purpose of life for most souls is to think Good, do Good, be Good and see Good; see God in all living and non living; see oneness in diversity and let the Soul evolve--Our lives are not just meant to be leaders or ceos or doctors or teachers or join rat race exclusively-- it is more important to be Good than Great." Lets not pressure our kids just to climb the corporate ladder--unless the base of spirituality is strong the ladder will fall.

Many years from now people will scarcely believe that such a human being with non Indian hair, a God and an Avatar, lived in a small village in Puttaparthi, India, who came to planet earth to do good in more than 120 countries. Something similar was said by Mark Twain about Mahatma Gandhiji, whom we all have almost forgotten. The best compliment that Swami received was from Gurudev Chinmayanandji of Chinmaya Mission who said" I think you narrated the Gita to Arjuna." The Gita being the holy scriptures of the world.

Yes, He is/was a madman for taking this challenge to help people, yes he is/was a cheap magician to magic human values into the hearts and homes of people from all over the world. Swamiji, we love you--hope I can still live in Parthi as twilight phase of my life arrives--though your physical presence will be greatly missed. ( Sorry for the attachment to the body!) I am very much aware of your presence everywhere even now and know you are eternal. And no matter how intelligent I am or will be I can never understand God through my narrow limited faculties and life. All I can do is Love All and Serve All.

Swamiji, you are 'The True God', ever shining like the sun, bringing light, love, compassion and succor to one and all. It is sad some of us did not take advantage of your physical presence and your teachings--but there is still hope when Prem Sai incarnates.

God, I am ever indebted to you for coming into my life and not giving up on me. And also many many thanks for giving a daughter in law who believes in you, Swami

Love always dear readers, as soon as I wrote the word 'love' a message received by Seema Dewan from Swami comes to my mind from her book Sai Darshan---

When you say, "I love God",

To me you say that you have burnt hatred.

You have melted anger.

You have risen above envy and jealousy.

You have stamped your ego.

You have accepted Him in every form.

You have attained control

Over your senses, mind and intellect.

You see no difference

Between happiness and misery.

You have no worry and only peace.

You need none other than God.

You are not attached, yet you are duty bound.

Every cell of you experiences Me

In the form of Love.

You have become Him.

Sai Ram,

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Dawn of the Golden Age: An Essay by Naresh Sharma

by Naresh Sharma on Sunday, May 29, 2011 at 11:32pm

In the days gone by, in so many of the Lord’s discourses, I heard Him speak of the coming Golden Age, an Age when man will cease being an animal and be a Man that God intended him to be. A time when man’s thoughts, words and deeds will be in divine harmony. When I and ME will change to US and WE.

Each day I looked at the sunrise wondering if the golden rays were bringing in the promised Golden Age. But things seemed to remain the same. We still lived with pain and suffering, falsehood and distrust.

One day I delved within in contemplation, and asked Him “Lord, You promised us that the Golden Age is at hand, when Your love and wisdom will guide all lives. When will You bring that blessed day O Lord! We are eagerly awaiting.”

The Lord sweetly replied “So am I. I too am awaiting that day when the labour of My Love will bear fruits. Tell me My child! When will You bring in the Golden age?”


Bring the Golden age?..

Suddenly... it made sense!

My mind raced back to that day of the Youth conference at Prashanti, where Swami had bestowed on His Youth, His devotees, the greatest privilege when He declared that “Your life will be My message.”

The seeds of Golden Age have not been planted by Sai in some secretive distance, but within our hearts. For years He has been nourishing that seed with His Love and affection. It is time that we did our parts and tended that plant with the waters of discipline, service, sacrifice and obedience. Soon the plant will turn into a lush tree, bearing fragrant flowers and sweet fruits of Love and peace, joy and bliss. Each of our lives will turn verily into a portable garden through which Sai will bring relief to His world weary children. I remember His words where He said “I will not walk in front, lest I leave you behind. I will not walk behind, lest you go your own way. We shall walk together, hand in hand marching towards our goal.”

What privilege! What opportunity!

As Rama, Sai had called upon the Vanaras to help Him in His mission. They did not let Him down. As Krishna, He used the Pandava army in order to restore Dharma. The Pandavs too played their part gloriously at the cost of blood and sacrifice. In this age, Sai has called upon us, His youth, His students, His properties, to join Him in this sacred mission. Shall we not rise to the occasion? Shall we let down Him, who has ever raised us to heavenly heights? This Sai, The Lord of the Universe, The Eternal Absolute, who by His mere will can accomplish any task, is bestowing upon us with the opportunity of a lifetime, nay, The opportunity of incarnations, by using us as His instruments.

Arise, Awake.. Brothers and Sisters, for the hour has come. The sun has dawned. Our Swami awaits us. Uproot from within, every trace of ego, anger, jealousy, pride that threaten to keep us away from this sacred task. Covered in the whites of purity and Love, Let us put our hands in Sai’s and march forward with Him.

Let us usher in The Golden Age!